Villain Bane from Batman was named ideal lover

A few days ago, the piece side exposure of a group of stills, caused the majority of fans on the drama characters to guess. Played by Tom Hadi Bane, this movie Batman's nemesis, has a devil figure, high IQ mind and a strong psychological advantage, in fact, it was an out of tune two rich generation, now upgraded when the nanny, and radiates light mature male taste. The netizen evaluation says, if he is in the Batman: the Dark Knight Rises plays the villain Bane is a good man, will meet all the women on the man's fantasy.

In good shape, Batman: the Dark Knight Rises is not the first time Tom Hadi playing the villain, before bring him unlimited scenery thriller Bronson, he played a not succumb to any discipline, notorious repute British prison mob, which inevitably and Batman: the Dark Knight Rises in some of Bane mask coincidence : the same is the gorilla physique, also has not since the suppression of violence. But with the Bronson is different, the Bane Hold live is not only his life, but a city.

The Polytechnic male: different from the Batman Begin power game, like the Dark Knight ugly human nature and playing games, this time, Bane as successor debut villain is taking the high IQ battle line. Polytechnic male parentage in Bane, beginning with aerial hijacking the United States CIA plane appears, next, made by biochemical liquid, thermal expansion attacks, disturb securities market, let Wayne group into a financial crisis, if these are nothing, so how to use public opinion to incite a crowd for his work is showing Bane statesman van son. Therefore, the audience watching the films before the need to do two things: one is ready for your brain cells, because be in the failed trial way is consumed; the other one is a good bathroom, because Bane is planning to make the film the whole series of events without urinary point.

Ambition: the ideal of Bane not only beat Batman, but, is going to tear up the Batman values, to destroy Batman has been careful to protect Gotham city. If say, the Dark Knight, the Joker in Batman 's ambiguous attitude always makes the audience guessing whether he wanted to put Batman to death, so in the Batman: the Dark Knight Rises, Bane is a very real villain, he is clear what you want, and, very understand to this aim and the means of how to.

Although the ambiguous motives to let the audience can feel at a loss, but it is also the Dark Knight bright spot, it left, isconfusion in order to continue to torture of human nature. In the new film " Batman: Rise of the Dark Knight ", Bane's psychological motivation determines not only the film's philosophical height, also decided whether he can go beyond the classic joker. His propensity for violence because of unknown past? Or like a clown on brother Gotham City do human experiment? All this will be a mystery, until after the movie show.