Other Angle to Analyse the Dark Knight Rises

Spotlight Christopher Nolan Batman series finale Batman: The Dark Knight Rises this week lifted the first wave of wave of publicity. Batman Ghristian Bale led the city of fight, and Bane with his bane mask voice amazon Tom Hardy meets on on a narrow path, the confrontation war be triggered at any moment.

The philosophy of this moive needs us to deep thinking. How come Bane become a bad guy? Just becasue he built his own troop and his under city kingdom? As a disabled, Bane needs his bane mask amazon every second. In order to understand the criminal mind, to overcome their fear, but the criminal is not so complicated, you really fear comes from within you, you're afraid of your strength, your fear of anger, fear that power drives you to do good or evil, now you have to travel around your heart. Ready, inspiratory, took a deep breath, face them, to overcome the fear of fear to yourself, you have to deposit in fear.

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